Telling Time Games

What student does not like playing math games?

Oh, you couldn’t think of someone!

That’s exactly what I thought.

Telling Time Games are a fun way for math students to practice their telling time skills.

Students love playing Bingo to practice their telling time skills.

Ready to get started using telling time games in your classroom? Keep reading!

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Introduction to telling time games

Start your telling time unit by showing the students a game board. You can find out what they already know about telling time. Some students might surprise you with their knowledge of analog clocks!

Review the basics of telling time, including the parts of an analog clock (hour hand and minute hand) and how to read a digital clock.

Start the telling time game by explaining the rules and objectives to the game and then demonstrate how to play the game. Pick a student to help you demonstrate the game as this will help the other students understand how to play.

When you call out the times, you can call out the digital format or use words such as quarter past 4 and half past 10.

If any students are struggling, you can make note of that to guide your future instruction.

Other Ways to Use Telling Time Games

Telling Time Bingo is a great review activity at the end of the unit or before a test or quiz. Students will practice their telling time skills after they are exposed to instruction on telling time.

If any students are still struggling with this review activity, you can pull them to review in a small group or send home extra practice for homework.

Use this clock to help you show students the times before moving them back to the clocks on paper.

Playing the games in small groups provides you the opportunity to support students who are struggling to identify the correct times.

Students can play the Telling Time Bingo games as a math center or partner activity.

If you need a homework activity, you can send home a few boards and the calling cards so students can practice at home with their families.

These telling time games come in hour, half hour, quarter hour, and five minute versions so you can provide similarity while reviewing and teaching different telling time concepts.

Would you like a free sample of a telling time game?

This free sample of telling time bingo to the quarter hour includes 4 game boards and the calling cards needed to play the game.

Use the free sample in small groups to help your students practice telling time to the quarter hour or send it home for practice at home.

Your students will love practicing telling time to the quarter hour with this fun bingo game!
Get a free sample (4 different cards) of the game directly in your inbox!
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Motivate your students to practice their facts with a fun game. They won’t even realize they are learning while they are playing! The game is perfect for kindergarten through 2nd grade.


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