Top 3 Math Manipulatives to Start the School Year

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Top 3 Math Manipulatives to Start the School Year

Starting the school year can be overwhelming, but having the right math manipulatives can make all the difference!

Here are my top 3 must have math manipulatives I used to help my students excel in math. My school purchased many of these for our students, but I ended up purchasing extra sets so I’d have enough for all of my students!

I loved using place value dice to help students understand the concept of place value. Students could easily visualize the numbers when learning numbers, especially expanded form.

These dice were helpful when building numbers and reading numbers aloud.

Place value dice go well with fun games and activities.

Having a great set of counters will be helpful during the entire school year. These are great for teaching many different standards.

Some students might need to use counters to visualize the numbers when identifying odd or even.

While using this mystery word task card activity, students might need to line up the counters to see if each counter has a partner.

I also love using two-sided counters for partner games.

Students can pick which color they’d like and you don’t have to go through a huge pile to pick just that one color.

Base ten blocks are essential for teaching place value, addition, and subtraction. Having student sets are helpful so your students can visualize numbers and understand the value of each digit in a number.

I love using magnetic base ten blocks for demonstration purposes. The magnetic base ten blocks I’ve used are larger than the student sets so students can see from far away.

Letting students come to the board to move the base ten blocks around is very motivating.

By using these top 3 math manipulatives in your classroom, you’ll be providing your students with hands-on experiences that will help them build a solid foundation for math success.

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