3 Quick Math Closure Ideas

3 Quick Math Closure Ideas

As a 2nd grade math teacher, ending lessons can be just as important as the lesson itself. One effective way to add closure to a math lesson is to summarize the key concepts and skills that were taught that day.

Here are 3 quick things you can do to include closure in your math lessons.

math closure

Exit Ticket

These are quick checks with one or two questions to see if your students understood the concept that day.

Exit tickets are my favorite to use for closure because I could also get a grade for that day.

But you don’t want to use exit tickets every day.

Students will get bored and it’s always best to change it up.

I used exit tickets when I wanted to group students based on their understanding of the concept.

math closure

Verbal Reflection

My favorite way to close a math lesson when I was running short on time was to use verbal reflection.

I would ask the students to share what they would tell a grown up at home about that day’s lesson. 

Sometimes I had the students share with the entire class and other times I had the students partner up and share their thoughts. 

It just depended on how much time we had left.

You could also make this a written reflection if you wanted something to save for the future.

math closure

Confidence Rating Scale

Hang this rating scale poster up in the room and/or give each student a rating scale to keep on their desks or in their journals.

At the end of the lesson, have the students rate how confident they feel about the topic based on a rating scale.

You can have the students hold up fingers to show their confidence or write their number on a piece of paper.

Sometimes I would combine this with an exit ticket. I would have the students write their confidence rating with an explanation on the back of the exit ticket.

This rating scale is helpful when grouping students for future instruction.

Grab your Rating Scale Posters

Confidence Rating Chart for K-2 Students
Use this chart to find out how your students are feeling after a lesson. 
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Ending a 2nd grade math lesson on a positive note can help students feel motivated and engaged in their learning.

By summarizing key concepts, providing opportunities for reflection, and incorporating fun activities, you can make sure your students leave each lesson feeling confident and excited to continue learning.

I’d love a reply with your favorite way to include closure in your lessons. What do you tend to use the most?

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