Student Teacher Reflection Tips

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student teacher reflection

Student Teacher Reflection Tips

Being a mentor for a student teacher is a very important job. You have many responsibilities when you are a mentor. If you aren’t sure where to start, you are in the right place. I have some tips and resources for you! This is the ninth in a series of posts about mentoring a student teacher. Keep checking back for more tips and resources.

Mentoring a Student Teacher Topics

Why to use Student Teacher Reflection

Reflection is a HUGE part of teaching. New teachers and veteran teachers need to reflect all. the. time.

It is very important for your student teacher to learn how to reflect on his/her lessons.

That’s where you come in as the mentor teacher. Your role is to teach your student teacher how to reflect and guide him/her through the process.

Start by asking him/her to think about what went well and what didn’t go so well. 

That’s basically it.

Early on in your student teacher’s experience, you should reflect with him/her.  Explain what you thought went well and what needed to be changed.  Try to explain your reasoning as best as you can.

Your student teacher can slowly start the reflection process on his/her own once you know he/she feels comfortable reflecting on all aspects of the lesson.

Your student teacher doesn’t need to formally reflect on every single lesson that is taught, but he/she should try to reflect on at least one lesson a day.
When you want your student teacher to formally reflect on his/her lesson, this reflection sheet will help guide their thoughts.
You can set up a reflection schedule to make sure that he/she is reflecting on different subjects or just reflect on lessons based on how well they went.
Don’t skip over this part thinking it’ll just come to your student teacher. It’s easy to just say, “reflect on that lesson,” but you need to teach your student teacher how to reflect.