Mentoring: Preparing for a Student Teacher (Part 1)

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Preparing for a Student Teacher

Mentoring a Student Teacher: Part 1

Being a mentor for a student teacher is a very important job. You have many responsibilities when you are a mentor. If you aren’t sure where to start, you are in the right place. I have some tips and resources for you! This is the first in a series of posts about mentoring a student teacher. 

Mentoring a Student Teacher Topics

Preparing for Your Student Teacher

The preparing stage is very important.  As soon as you agree to take a student teacher, you need to start preparing for it immediately.  Start making sure your room is ready for someone else to occupy. Sometimes that means cleaning!

  1. Your student teacher should be given a desk.
  2. He/she will also need copies of your schedule and class lists.  Highlight names of behavior problems and academic needs.
  3. Make a list of important things you want to share with your student teacher as soon as she/he steps foot in your classroom:
    • names of other teachers on your team
    • how to work the copy machine
    • where the bathrooms are
    • your expectations on arrival time
Try to think back to when you were student teaching or even a brand new teacher. What were questions you had? If you can remember any of those things, be sure to share with your student teacher to make him/her feel comfortable in your room.
Be clear about your expectations from the beginning and try to create an environment where questions and concerns are welcomed.