Top 5 Motivational Tips for the School Year

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Top 5 Motivational Tips for the School Year

Top 5 Motivational Tips for Teachers

Is the beginning of the school year wearing you down? Are you feeling like you still can’t get into a routine and every day is just dragging?

If things haven’t improved by now, keep reading for my top 5 motivational tips for the school year. I hope you aren’t still dragging and drowning, but these motivational tips will help you feel better.

Top 5 Reminders for the School Year

5.  Take some time for yourself. The work can wait!

It’s pretty self-explanatory, but don’t spend every evening and all weekend doing work.  Do things you like to enjoy.
  • Take time for yourself – get that massage, manicure, or pedicure you keep putting off. 
  • Spend time with your friends and family. 
  • Go for walks.
  • Binge watch your favorite Netflix show!

4.  Write everything down to reference next year.

It was always helpful to look back at previous years to see what worked or didn’t work.  I also tried to take pictures so I could have that visual reminder.

  • Yes, you don’t always have to do the SAME thing every year, but it’s helpful to have that reminder.
  • I started a Google Form called, “Things to Remember For Next Year” and every time I thought of something, I added an entry. I loved that it was time-stamped so I even had a reminder of time of year without having to type that in.

3.  Constantly reflect on your lessons. Write down what works well and what doesn’t work well.

This goes along with number 4.  Reflection on lessons is key!  And not just when you are being formally observed and forced to reflect. 
  • Take some time each week to write down what worked well and what didn’t work so well.
  • Think about how you would do it differently next time.
  • WRITE it down somewhere you can find it next year! (See number 4 above!)

2.  Try to do a little each day – grade, plan, etc. instead of saving it all for one day.

When I was in the classroom, I definitely let things pile up throughout the week and then had to spend time on the weekends grading and planning.  Didn’t follow through on number 5, did I? Wish I took my advice more often.
  • Grade one set of exit tickets before you go home for the evening.
  • Have students help clean up and organize before they are dismissed.
  • Take one or two days a week to work instead of spending your whole lunch time in the teacher’s lounge.
  • Create a planning schedule for yourself so you are doing the same thing each week.
  • Purchase resources from TeachersPayTeachers instead of creating everything yourself! 


1.  Summer break will be here again before you know it!

The school year does not last forever!  Even though it may feel like it does.  Summer break will be here again.
  • Try to enjoy the school year, but remind yourself that it doesn’t last forever.
  • If summer break seems too far away, schedule a personal day off to give yourself something to look forward to that is closer than summer break.
  • You can do it!