Mentoring: Introducing Student Teacher (Part 2)

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Introducing Your Student Teacher

Mentoring a Student Teacher: Part 2

I hope you received some helpful tips about preparing for a student teacher during part 1.

Are you ready for tips about how to introduce your student teacher to your students and their families?


Mentoring a Student Teacher Topics

Introducing Your Student Teacher

The very next thing you need to do after preparing for your student teacher is to introduce him/her to your students and families.  Read on to find out some things you should do.

1.  On your student teacher’s first day, introduce him/her to your students and make sure it is clear why they are there.  It is important for your students to see the student teacher as a teacher as well.

2.  Give your student some time during their first day there to chat with your students for a few minutes.  Some things they can share are: name of the school they are attending, hobbies or other interests, family, etc.

3.  Your student teacher also needs to be introduced to the parents of your students.  The easiest way to accomplish this is for your student teacher to write a letter to be sent home to parents.

The letter can include many of the same things that your student teacher shared with your students.  In addition to those things, your student teacher should include a positive statement about looking forward to working in the classroom during this time.

4.  One other introduction that I find useful is to introduce your students to your student teacher.  What I mean by this is give your students a chance to share some things about them with your student teacher so he/she can get to know the students.

You can have your students write a letter to the student teacher either before he/she starts or shortly after he/she starts the internship.