Grading for Student Teachers: Tips and Tricks for Success

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Grading for Student Teachers

Grading for Student Teachers: Tips and Tricks for Success

Being a mentor for a student teacher is a very important job. You have many responsibilities when you are a mentor. 

If you aren’t sure where to start, you are in the right place. I have some tips and resources for you! 

This is the eighth in a series of posts about mentoring a student teacher. Keep checking back for more tips and resources.

Mentoring a Student Teacher Topics

Grading for Student Teachers

Once your student teacher starts teaching lessons, it is important for him/her to learn how to grade.
Start off by sharing your grading system so you and your student teacher are on the same page.
Make sure you discuss your grading scale.
Do your students receive letter grades, number grades, codes, etc?
Whatever you use, make sure your student teacher understands.
Show your student teacher how you keep track of grades.  
Where is your grade book?  
Is it electronic?  
Is it on a website or is it just a program on your computer?  
Is it a paper copy?  
Once your student teacher begins grading, where do you want him/her to record the grades?  
Do you even want him/her to input it directly?
Do you want the grades to be written out on a spreadsheet for you to input the grades later?  
Do you just want the graded papers back in a pile for you to record?
Whatever you decide to do, make sure you stay consistent. Nothing is more frustrating to a student teacher when you keep changing expectations!
You can get a copy of these questions and a template for recording grades in the Mentoring a Student Teacher Guide.